Guidelines for Abstracts, Posters, Presentations & “Research in a Flash”

Abstract Submission


All abstracts MUST be submitted electronically to the MSS 2018's organizing committee via


Only ONE abstract is permitted per participant. For submission and registration deadlines, please visit under Key Dates.


The abstract should follow the guidelines as detailed below: 





Font size: 11

Capital letters




Full name of the authors

  •  Arial
  •  Font size: 11
  •  Centered

Underline name of presenter

Authors’ affiliation

  •  Arial
  •  Font size: 10
  •  Italics
  •  If more than one institution, list numerically in text
  •  Centered

Email address of corresponding author

  •  Arial
  •  Font size: 10
  •  Centered

  Single spacing between title, authors, affiliation and corresponding author email





British or American English

No more than 300 words

  •  1.5 inch left border and 1 inch borders for top, right and bottom.
  •  Arial
  •  Font size: 11
  •  Single spacing
  •  Justified

Should include introduction, objectives, results, discussion and conclusion.

Do not include figures, tables and references.


Abstracts will be subjected to minimal editing, proofreading prior to submission is strongly encouraged.

Poster Presentation


Poster size

The dimension of the poster should be approximately 90cm in length and 60cm in width (or standard A1 poster size). Written information on the poster should be readable from the distance of 1.0 m or more (font size ≥ 16). Poster should be in portrait orientation.


Poster Content


Poster should contain information on the following:

           a. Poster title

           b. Name of author(s)

           c. Institution

d. Introduction, Method, Result and Discussion, Conclusion,

Acknowledgment, Reference


Please refer to the PDF available for download below for the suggested Poster Outline & Structure.


Recommended Poster Outline & Structure
Suggested Poster Template.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 72.2 KB



These should be in a slightly smaller font size. Individuals who supported your research, either technically or intellectually should be included as co-authors after your name.


Names and Affiliations


Include your department, school or program and institution. If your co-authors have different affiliations, place a superscript number after each author's name and a corresponding superscript number before each author's address. The presenting author's surname should be underlined

Write the surname of the authors in full while other names should be shortened by using initials only.

Example 1:   Ting Su Yien, Adeline

In example 1, Ting is the surname. On the poster, it should appear thus:

Ting A. S. Y


Example 2: Steve John Williams

In example 2, the name should be rearranged with the surname (Williams) appearing first.

Williams S. J.

Only presenting author’s surname should be underlined


Example of author’s affiliation: School of Science, Monash University, Bandar Sunway, Selangor, Malaysia




Photograph of the presenter should not be displayed on the poster.


University logo


Appropriate size of author’s university logo should be displayed on the right top corner of the poster.



Presenters are requested to put up their posters at the designated area after registration until the end of the symposium.



A Best Poster Presenter Award will be given for each of the categories.


Oral Presentation


Speakers are given 10 minutes to present their research work with a 5-minute Q & A session after each talk.


Speakers should bring a copy of their presentation to the symposium in USB memory stick/flash drive and are requested to meet at the auditorium 10 minutes prior to the start of the session to check their presentation is correctly loaded.



 A Best Oral Presenter Award will be given out based on the quality of the presentation and research work.

Research in a Flash!


Speakers are given 3 minutes to present their research project to a general audience. Exceeding the time limit will result in disqualification.


Only ONE PowerPoint slide is allowed. The presentation should include: the importance of the research, how was the research question addressed, and the long term outcomes anticipated.



The presentation should NOT include slide transitions, music, video, props, rapping and singing.

For more information, please log on to our website: